Dear ComiRades,
Let Me Wish Happy Diwali to All the Readers Of TCU. For those who requested - Nay, Ordered- Me to Write in Tamil, Here it is: தமிழ் காமிக்ஸ் உலகம் ரசிகர்கள் அனைவருக்கும் எனது உளம் கனிந்த மனமுவர்ந்த தீப ஒளி நல்வாழ்த்துக்கள்.உதிப்பவை எல்லாம் உன்னதம் ஆகட்டும். விரும்பியது எல்லாம் உங்கள் வசமாகட்டும்.
Here is the 3rd edition of the James Bond Comics: Cheena Pudhir (சீனப் புதிர்). For those who came in late, this issue followed Adhiradi Ulavali and Rocket Ragasiyam. As soon as i started a Series on James Bond Comics in Tamil, the traffic to this Blog has increased and so are the controversies. Many people have voiced out their thoughts / Anger / Support on the issues relating to the Translation / Editorial work on Rani Comics, James
Bond Comics and Lion/Muthu Comics. Any way, am happy on one sense that at last, people are started to notice what an editor can do to a publication. Let us not get into anything serious on that. Here is the cover of the 3rd issue of James Bond Comics and the corresponding cover of the Semic Press issue no 17 which got published in 1985 and the English version of James Bond Comics.
The Story line is as follows: James Bond is sent to Hong Kong to meet a contact named Tsu Chai and guide for a trip into the Han-Su province in China. Mysterious things have been happening there lately and the Secret Service wants to discover precisely what is going on.James Bond Gets attacked by a Giant of a Man (Kayo). Later on, James Bond Discovers that a mysterious robot scientist (Saviz) is working on constructing a secret army of humanoid robots, inspired by the first emperor of China's terra-cotta warriors SHI HUANG Who ruled 6 States about 2, 200 Years ago and his Capital was called Chin from which the present Name China was derived. As usual, James Bond Demolishes the Plan of Saviz and Saves the World from Robot Warriors. Have a Look at some of the pages in Tamil and the corresponding pages in Full colour in English.
For the Un-initiated, the Tamil version cover is a replica of the above cover. Whereas the English version was modified and the length of the dress was increased till the knee. For those who crave for statistics, here is something: Even though the 1st issue of Tamil James Bond Comics came in May 1988, the English version of the same appeared only in August 1988. In the meantime, the cover artist became more conscious towards the society (Forced by the Editor?!?) and covered her thighs. Have a Look at the editorial and the comments section. Note the change in the titles from English version to the Tamil Version. This is where a Editor plays a Major role. Yours truly agrees completely with both the titles as they convey the story line to the readers. By the way, Give another reading on the Editorial and you will find that the editor was having thoughts on changing the book to Pocket size (Readers Request).
The Regular feature in all the 3 issues was the Story By Gnani with fabulous art work by the Greatest Tamil Artist ever (No Arguments - Judgement Arrived) Mr Chellam.

Cover: Soft Cover, Non-Laminated.
Serial Number: No. 3.
On Sale From: 1st July 1988 Onwards.
Total No. of Pages: 16cmx24cm, 36 Pages (Story 24 Pages), Black & White in Tamil & Colour in English.
Price: Priceless for Comic Fans; For others, INR 2/- for Tamil Version and INR 4/- for English Version.
Partner in Crime: Kovai Dr Sathish.
Story: Bill Harrington
Artwork: Sarompas
Srini's TriPod: Mr Srini who is currently in Bangalore is from TN only (From Kovai to be precise). He has created a nice Tri-Pod site for the Comics.Even though it is yet to be Updated for the last so many months, it still worth a visit. Srini, My Dear Friend, Kindly Update your wonderful site. Have a Look into it by Clicking here.
Well, that's all for the time being. As usual, post your comments in the comments section. For those who want to Pen their thoughts in Tamil, Kindly Use the Option Provided in the Widgets Section, Just above the glossary. The next post on this blog will be the review of Muthu Comics Issue No 310 (பொன்னில் ஒரு பிணம் - Martin Mystery Adventure). However, the next Old Review Post will be on the 4th issue of James Bond Comics.
Post Script: The Same concept of Using the Ancient Soldiers to conquer the world was used in the recently released Film The Mummy - 3rd Part as mentioned by Mr Shankar ViswaLingam.
Thanks & Regards,
King Viswa.
Dear Fellow Comic Fans,
ReplyDeleteWish you all a Happy Deepavali.
Any news from Lion?Muthu comics?
Dear Muthu Fan,
ReplyDeleteHaapy Deepavali to You As well.
Am regularly in Touch with the Office Of M/s Prakash Publishers. However, this time they are not to be blamed for the delay in Shipment of the Books.
As a Fact, i know that for Sure that Muthu Comics Issue No 310 (பொன்னில் ஒரு பிணம் - Martin Mystery Adventure) was ready weeks ago. However, the Power Cut problem coupled with the heavy rains in Sivakasi made it very tough for them to ship the books as promised before diwali.
This week we are supposed to receive the Books & as usual, i will be doing a review post on that as well.
As for as Lion Comics is concerned, that will be delayed and will be shipped much later in November 2008.
ReplyDeleteஇனிய தீபாவளி நல்வாழ்த்துகள்.
தோழர் கிங் விஸ்வா,
ReplyDeleteஉங்களுக்கும் உங்கள் குடும்பத்தினருக்கும் எனது தீபாவளி நல்வாழ்த்துக்கள்
உளவு துறை தலைவர் சதீஷ்'க்கும் தீபாவளி நல்வாழ்த்துக்கள்.
சீன புதிர்'இல் சில படங்கள் டவுன்லோட் ஆக மாட்டேன் என அடம் பிடிக்கின்றன.
சரி பார்க்கவும்.
அம்மா ஆசை இரவுகள் விசிறி
ReplyDeletewishing you a happy and better deepavali.
Hoping against hope that at least from this deepavali that you will concentrate on Rani Comics.
Also wishing the other Bloggers such as muthu fan, rafiq, sathis, share hunter, siv etc.
a Request to Siv: if you want to have more comments on your blog, kindly start posting rani comics. that is much better than ponni comics and desamalar comics.
Finally, this james bond comics looks good. even the next one looks good only. why then they stopped publishing if the stories were good?
reply on this as well.
ReplyDeletehappy diwali to u.
u have updated on the 2nd issue & 3rd issue of james bond comics in English.
what about the 1st one?
i do believe that this story or another one also came in rani comics later.
what is the next book from lion muthu comics?
ponnil oru pinam & tex willer 3?
when will we receive them?
update on that.
நண்பர்கள் அனைவரிற்க்கும் இனிப்பான தீபாவளி வாழ்த்துக்கள்,விஸ்வா சில ஸ்கேன்கள் பெரிதாக மறுக்கின்றன ஆவன செய்வீர்களா.இறுதியாக வந்த mummy 3 the tomb of the dragon emperror படத்தில் கூட jet li இதே களி மண் வீரர்களை உயிர்பித்து தனக்காக போரிடும் ஒர் சேனையை உருவாக்கி கொள்வார்.முத்து விசிறியினை அடுத்து வலைப்பூ ஆரம்பித்தவர் சிரீனி சில காலங்களின் பின் அதனை அப்படியே விட்டுவிட்டார் அவர் மீண்டும் வரவேண்டும் என்பதே என் ஆவலும்.பாராட்டுக்கள் கிங் விஸ்வா உற்சாகமாக தொடருங்கள்
ReplyDeletethe cover work is really better than the original cover work indeed.
ReplyDeleteHats of to the Editor (RamaJayam?).
Have you got any updates on him? Heard that he tried a comics in tamil in the early 90's with a chennai publisher
is that true? can you confirm this?
From The Desk Of Rebel Ravi:
Great update on James bond comics issue No 3 as a deepavali gift for all the fans.
small change: some of the photo's are not opening up (as mentioned by shanakra viswalaingam). Kindly change them soon for our usage.
your tamil comics blog is equally good.
Small request: James Bond 007's latest film "Quantum of Solace" is about to be released on November 7th 2008. Why don't you update a review for all of comics fans.
even i can watch the movie. however, when we discuss about it / read it / write about the comics, there is no fun as this. Kindly oblige this request.
Rebel Ravi,
Change is the Only constant thing in this world.
So good to see you back Viswa. What better way to celeberate Diwali with your new post on James Bond Comics. I am not able to recollect reading this story in Rani Comics. Maybe this is one piece which they missed from reprinting. The skirt size difference between English and Tamil Versions, so subtle. Kudos to your prying eyes.
ReplyDeleteDouble Co-incidence with this post: 1. The movement the Terrocota Army was mentioned, I recollected like Shankar, that the same is the storyline of Mummy 3 released recently. 2.Kris Srikkanth was the Captain then during this comic release, and he is the Chairman of Selectors during its review.
As conveyed by others, the Anchor link for images are not proper, so I couldn't read them properly with the small size. Kindly update them.
Also, the News Ticker on the left hand side, is actually making the sidebar jump up and down a bit at every refresh, which is irritating for eyes while reading the blog. Kindly change them to be either single line or static for a fixed sidebar.
Hopefully, you will come back with the James Bond next edition review, before the QOS hits the theatres. I am eager to see Daniel Craig back again in action. Will be blogging about it sooner once I watch it.
Also eager to see our Muthu Comics back again this month, and blog about it. Its 3 months since their last release.
அன்பிற்கினிய தமிழ் வாசகர்களுக்கு, இனிய தீபாவளி நல்வாழ்த்துகள். இந்த பண்டிகையில் உங்கள் வீடுகளில் மகிழ்ச்சி பொங்கட்டும்; உங்களுடைய நெடு நாள் ஆசைகள் நிறைவேறட்டும்.
Rafiq Raja
ÇómícólógÝ - "Comics, Comics, Everywhere"
Heah Viswa, me too received the Muthu #310 yesterday. It was so good to see Muthu back after 3 months gap.
ReplyDeleteHave blogged a preview about that already. Pals, please visit and comment.
Rafiq Raja
ÇómícólógÝ - "Comics, Comics, Everywhere"
Apart from Muthu comics,Rani comics, Jamesbond comics "Dolphin comics" also have published some Jamesbond stories in tamil. Anybody having this comics?
ReplyDelete(3) Josh: வாழ்த்துக்களுக்கு நன்றிகள் நண்பரே.
ReplyDeleteவருகைக்கும் பதிவிற்கும் நன்றி.
(4) அம்மா ஆசை இரவுகள்: இப்போது சரி பாருங்கள் அய்யா. படங்கள் சரியாக உள்ளன. தடங்கலுக்கு வருந்துகிறோம். வருகைக்கும் பதிவிற்கும் நன்றி.
(5) Blogger: Thanks for the Visit & Comments Sir. Even though These James Bond Comics look great in Scan, in reality the stories, in original itself, were not that great. Coupled with the poor response for the English Edition, they have to shut the doors. Poor situation.
(6) Malta: Long Time No See. Heard that you were in Chennai last week. What next sir? Oman?
By the way, i do not have the 1st edition of the English Version f James Bond Comics & that was the precise reason for not updating on that. Moreover, i do have only the first 6 issues of James Bond comics. Heard that they have published 8 in total Searching for them. Hello, Can Somebody help yours truly on this?
(7) சங்கர விஸ்வலிங்கம்: ஸ்ரீனி அவர்கள் Update செய்வார் என நம்புகிறேன். மம்மி படத்தின் ஒற்றுமையை நினைவு படுத்தியதற்கு நன்றிகள் பல கோடி. வருகைக்கும் பதிவிற்கும் தனி நன்றி.
(8) Moonless Night: Yes, RamaJyam was the editor for James Bond Comics. No Sir, i do not know anything about this gentleman. Trying to find any info on him.
Even the publisher (Who wants to forget about this series) hs no data on Him. God Only Knows where is he.
(9) Rebel Ravi: Thank You for the Visit & comments sir. Yes, i will try to do a Movie Review on James Bond 007's QOS as and when i watch it.
(10) Rafiq: Thanks for the visit & comments. Yes, i missed on this Double Co-Incidence matter. Thanks for reminding the same.
The most vivid Co-Incidence that i can recollect was in 1991-92 Kumudham started a serial-Story titled "Laura" (லாரா) and you know what when the 1st episode got published, Brian Lara scored 277 Runs Vs Aus. Eventually, when the last episode got published in April 1994, Brian Lara scored 375 Vs Eng. This Co-Incidence was noted and published by the magazine themselves.
The anchor links for the images are OK nOW.
Am not a மென்பொருள் கட்டுமான வல்லுனன் like you. Hence, the only way i knew was to push the ticker to the bottom of the page where it cannot disturb anything else.
By the way, Read your Post on Muthu comics No. 310. it was just great with so much of info. Keep going on Pal. As i said in your post, Only sky is the limit for you.
(11) Siv: Yes, i know that Dolphin comics published a single issue of James Bond Comics (Rani Comics No.7 Sura Vettai = சுறா வேட்டை) which was later Re-Printed in Colour in Kanmani Comics As well. Will send the scans to you by mail. For that, send me your mail id first.
ReplyDeleteyesterday i bought this book from an old book shop. as soon as i saw the book, i remembered the blog of yours and although iam not a big fan of james bond, i bought this book.
it costed only 5 rupees.
download this comics in this link =
ReplyDeletethanks. this is the 1st time iam seeing this comics. do you have the tamil comics downloads?
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeletethanks for this 007 post. welcome to ravindar for the link.