Dear ComiRades,
Welcome back to TCU. Continuing our home run towards the 100th post, we have another one from the Mekala Comics. This is the 5th Post on this particular series and the previous posts can be read over here in TCU:
- Mekala Comics No. 01 (ப்ளாக் மெயில்)
- Mekala Comics No. 02 (சம்மர் ஸ்பெஷல் - நடுக்கடலில்)
- Mekala Comics No. 03 (மாய விமானம்)
- Mekala Comics No. 04 (எங்கே அந்த வைரம்?)
Just looking at the dates of these issues gives a staggering disbelief that already 16 years have been passed on whilst it is in the memory as if it happened just last year. How many of our collectors do have the complete run of all the issues published? It seems that most of the ComiRades who have bought and read these issues have not safeguarded them, as they do with our prized possessions from the famed Prakash publications. Now, enough of the nostalgia talk and let us move into this edition’s coverage. Here are our customary Advertisement and cover images (Cover art by Shyaam). Isn’t it stunning, to say the least?.
Mekala was different from the rest of the 2nd line Tamil comics as it had lots of fillers and quality stories, apart from the title story. Also it had a regular Editorial section, something which was very much missing in Rani comics. The interaction of the editor with the readers was sorely missed in the 2nd half of the initial Rani comics run. Note how the Editor names the readers. You must be kidding, right?
Daily Strip No 086 – A Jewel For Blackmail: We all know that the Agent X9 series was taken to greater heights by the talented duo of Archie Goodwin and Al Williamson. This story is amongst the foremost stories to be published in Tamil language. Yes sir, this is the 5th story from the dynamic duo and the 1st ever to be published in Tamil. As mentioned, it was daily strip numbered as 86 and was running from 04-12-1967 to 17-02-1968 for 11 weeks with 68 daily strips of pure excitement.
The story is one of the spy-chase stories from the combo. It all starts with Phil taking charge of the Missile defence conference which is headed by Susan Foster. As his wont, Archie Goodwin starts the story with Mr Foster being kidnapped by Mr Chang, in lieu of certain favours from his wife about the conference and the content. Enter Phil Corrigan and all the well laid plans of Mr Chang comes to a sudden end. As usual, Mekala comics severely edited the story and they presented the edited portion in a short paragraph. This is one of the very few Corrigan stories to have missed by the other editors, in Tamil comics.
Daily Strip No 087 – Army Contraband: Mekala comics did a very good thing by starting to publish the stories in their appearance order from this issue and we had the next daily strip in the same book as the 2nd story. When you have two full length daily strips in the same book and still have enough place for the regular filler stories, One can imagine the editing of the original story. This was the 05th story to have appeared in the dailies from the famous combination of Archie Goodwin and Al Williamson. This daily strip started where the previous one ended and the strip ran from 19-02-1968 to 04-05-1968 for 11 weeks and exactly the same number of daily strips as that of the previous one: 66.
The story starts where the previous one ends and this one takes place in the heart of middle east in a country named as Jhahran where the ruler is peace loving and invariably has contenders for the throne. One such is Harhat Bin Rashid and he plans to dethrone the present ruler by acquiring ammunition from a arms dealer named Bradley. Then things go out of control and add Phil Corrigan in the mix, you have a fantastic daily strip with enough dose of excitement and adventure.
By the way, Now you can buy the Daily strips of Agent X9 (By Archie Goodwin & Al Williamson) – courtesy IDW Publications. Muthu Fan has done a wonderful post on the book and you can have the pleasure of reading that post HERE.
As mentioned elsewhere, Mekala comics had some nice filler stories and most of them are the handiwork of the uber talented Mr Bujjai. There were several stories from him in this series and one such was published here. Unfortunately Yours truly is not going to publish the full story as it was the case in the previous post as one publisher is accumulating the stories of Bujjai to publish in a single volume. Best of luck to him.
The regular readers review of the story was also present. Most of the comirades liked the situation where Corrigan catches Mr Chang with the rope. Equally liked is the scene where Phil finds his way back in the dessert with the help of the steps of the camels. It was refreshing to know that the readers actively participated in these competitions. Here is the prize winning review:
Mekala Comics Issue No 06 – Issue Dated Oct 1995 - Readers Review of the Previous Book (Mekala Comics No 05 Aayudhap Pudhaiyal)'s Best Panel |
The regular letters to the editor by the readers mentioned the point of view of the way the readers were mentioned by the editor. Also there was the question on the change in the look and appearance of Corrigan from the way he looks in the cover to the way he looks in the story. Probably the reader has not noted that the inner art is drawn by somebody whilst the cover was drawn by our local artist Shyaam.
Well, that's all for the time being & TCU will be back with the next issue of this series in the alternative post, as the next post will be the 100th post of Yours truly and hence it will be a special one.
As usual, post your comments in the comments section. For those who want to Pen their thoughts in Tamil, Kindly Use the Option Provided in the Widget in the Blog.
Thanks & Regards,
King Viswa.