Dear ComiRades,
TCU is Back After the Professional Break that TCU had in the end of January. After that, Yours Truly undertook a personal tour to various places and will be writing about that sometime in the near future on those wonderful tour and the funny experiences encountered and the comics collection made in that process. One thing i must tell the ComiRades is that, TCU Has collected almost 90% of the original stories for all the Prakash Publishers (Lion, Muthu, Mini Lion and Thigil Comics), Rani (Rani Comics), Metha Group (Ashok / Metha Comics), Filmalaya (Megala Comics) etc. So, From Now Onwards, ComiRades can expect frequent posts with background data. Happy Times Are Ahead of Us.
In the previous post (News 14), TCU has informed about the Wild West Collection book Edited By Steve Holland (High Noon) and asked a question on the hero who has appeared on Rani Comics and featured in this collection and to my utter disappointment, No one has answered this. The Answer for that is David “Davy” Crockett who is often referred as the “King of the Wild Frontier” and who has appeared in Rani Comics issue No 50: Poonai Theevu (The Cat Island – பூனைத்தீவு).

Born | Aug 17, 1786, Tennessee |
Died | March 6 1836, Alomo - Texas |
Political Life First Phase | Member of US House of Representatives (1827-1831) |
Political Life Second Phase | Member of US House of Representatives (1833-1835) |
Political Side | Anti Jacksonian (Indian Removal Act) |
Known For | Pioneer, Soldier, Politician, Explorer, Frontiersman, American Folk Hero, Martyr |
Most of the information pertaining to David Crockett is often Disputed, Right from the fact that where he was born.Historians Inform us that He was born Greene County, Tennessee. Disputers claim that he was born in Hawkins County, Tennessee. A Recreation of the Birthplace Cabin stands in Limestone, Tennessee. Crockett, fifth among 9 children in his family, was Named after his Paternal Grandfather.David’s Childhood stories are interesting, to say the least.
Fearing the backlash of the School teacher for the fight he had with the Bully in the school, David used to leave home every Morning and used to wander here and there without attending the school. (Something very similar happened to Yours Truly as well. After coming back from Punjab, Yours Truly was forced to join the second standard in a Tamil Nadu. Angered with the change in the surroundings and missing friends, Yours truly used to skip the school and come back to home and used to sit in the back door of the home till he was found out).
After several weeks, The school teacher wrote to David’s father asking why his son is not attending school. Fearing his Father’s beating, David ran away from home and spent the next 3 years roaming town to town learning his skills as Backwoodsman, Hunter and trapper.
During those years, Crockett Senior has opened a Tavern and around his 15th birthday, David was seen eating there by his sister and the Family happily took him back. After 4 Years, Crocket got engaged to Margaret and on the day he was supposed to get married, His Bride to be married someone else (Just like இளையதளபதி விஜய் in the film யூத்). At the age of 19, David decided that he was “Only born for Hardships, Misery & Disappointment”.
At the age of 27, he served Tennessee Militia for about 6 months and later on involved actively in politics. Even though he lost his first run for congress, he won the second election later. during the early part of 1830, he very famously said that “I told the people of my district that I would serve them as faithfully as I had done; but if not ... you may all go to hell, and I will go to Texas”. And, as he lost, Texas welcomed him where he served his second term.
The Fall of the Alamo by Robert Jenkins depicts Davy Crockett in a charge at the Mexican troops.March 6, 1836. |
On Feb 8th, David arrived to Alomo with his soldiers and captured it. As they were stationed in, several hundreds of Mexicans were entering into Alomo and engaging in Battle. In between, Several messengers were sent to James Fannin, who was commanding the other official group of Texian soldiers. As History tells, Fannin refused and this resulted in a Handful of Brave men with shortage of ammunition fighting Hundreds of Well equipped soldiers.
The siege ended on March 6 when the Mexican army attacked the sleeping Soldiers in Alomo which last for almost 90 minutes and David’s body was found in the barracks surrounded by "no less than sixteen Mexican corpses", with Crockett's knife buried in one of them. On this day (March 6) A Great warrior entered through the gates of Valhalla, If Norse Mythology is to be believed.
As there was a dispute in his birth, there was another dispute in his death as well. some Historians claim that David surrendered himself to the Mexican Army and was executed. This was also depicted in the Latest (Among Many) films on Alomo in 2004. The 2004 Film was the only one among many films on Alomo and Not Surprisingly, The Only Failure film among many.
There are Hundreds of Comics Based on Davy Crockett and TCU acquired about ten of them very recently. Here is the Only story ever to feature David Crockett in Tamil Comics: பூனைத்தீவு. It featured in the 50th issue of Rani Comics and unlike other publications (Lion / Muthu etc) which used to bring out Special issues on Landmark Issues like this, Rani Syndicate never came out with Special Issues (Apart from mentioning special issue in the cover and additional 16 pages from the regular issues).
Cover and 1st Page of Rani Comics No: 50 பூனைத்தீவு Dated July 15, 1986 Featuring Davy Crockett - வேட்டை வீரர் டேவிட் |
As a Policy, TCU used to put forward the salient features of a Comics in the earlier reviews assuming that the story is read and was concentrating more on other details which an Average comics reader might miss.
However, after going through The Great Muthufan’s Reviews (Such As This), TCU’s Reviews will also have a strong storyline part along with the Original story details (If retrieved) and other details of interest.
The Story Starts with Charles Bradley, Son of the Business Tycoon Mr Bradley from Batten, Visiting New Orleans to get the Family jewels Polished so that they can be given to His Sister Mary on her forthcoming Birthday. Charles Meets Jeweller Louis and Louis shows the secret safe of his to Charles. Sensing this, Winston,The Best Gambler in the City, Makes a Plan to Rob Those jewels from Louis.
As Per Winston’s Plan, His Henchman (அல்லக்கை) tries to rob Charles and Winston Saves Charles (So To say) by shooting his own Henchman and invites him to the Gambling Place. Unable to turn down the invitation of someone who has saved his life, Charles Obliges and within Hours loses Money To Winston. No wonder, as Winston is the best when it comes to gambling and he makes sure that Charles plays on and on, in-spite of losing. Winston makes sure that Charles writes Pro-Note in Lieu of Hot Cash and still gambles on.
On realising that his plan has worked, Winston comes out of the Gambling House and informs that Mr Bradley will be mad with anger if he comes to know about Charles’ Debt and makes sure that His mind is confused. Finally he reveals his plan and asks for the location of the secret safe of Louis in Lieu of the Pro-Note written by Charles.
Charles, Being the Honest One, refuses this offer and gets beaten by Winston to remain unconscious. On Regaining sense, Charles Rushes to Louis’s Place only to Find The dead body Louis and being witnessed By The Watchman (Not Alan Moore’s Watchmen, which gets released tomorrow) and runs away to escape from the clutches of Law. One Logical Question that arises is how come the night watchman identifies Charles Immediately as Charles is not the Resident of New Orleans and visiting For the 1st Time?
However, What needs to be Appreciated is the Language used by Mr S.Ramajayam (Then editor of Rani Comics). Although not in the same league of Mullai Thangarasan and S.Vijayan, He also needs to be mentioned Just behind these two when it comes to the rating of Editors of Tamil Comics Magazines. The Words used over here ஓடுகிறான், ஓடுகிறான் drawing parallels towards the Epic Courtroom Dialogues Penned by the Present Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu in the Film Parasakthi பராசக்தி mouthed by Thespian Sivaji Ganesan which propelled him to Super Stardom: ஓடினாள், ஓடினாள் வாழ்க்கையின் எல்லைக்கே ஓடினாள்.
Meanwhile, Bradley Senior Who is seen hunting with David (Without Any Sur Names in Rani Comics) on the Cover scan, returns to batten on receiving a message that his Son is wanted By Law. David is always referred in Comics and Films as Davy Crockett and not as David Crockett.
However, David Shuns the Davy Part of his Name and always preferred to be called as David only and not as Davy. In-Spite of this, Most of the American Wild west Comics and those which found their way to U.K also uses the Name Davy only. Hats off to Mr RamaJayam for Using the Hero’s Name in the way he would have loved to be used and not as marketed by publishers.
David Fulfills his promise by thrashing the Paddle boat Pirates and then returns to Batten to meet Bradley. Meanwhile Bradley’s Business Partner Antony Visits him and proposes to Buy off all that is remaining with Bradley to make sure that he recovers. Bradley refuses his offer and David senses that Antony’s proposal are not in Helping motive.
David returns to New Orleans to gather a team to protect Bradley’s Ships and there he notices Winston and his henchman (அல்லக்கை) going to EllJee River Freight Company and suspects them and follows them to overhear their Conversation with the Mysterious Boss. Later on, He rushes to the Jungle Out-House where Charles is Hiding and with the help of Bill, saves Charles and captures Winston and his henchman (அல்லக்கை).
Knowing that Charles has escaped from Him, The Mysterious Boss makes sure he holds the upper hand in the game by Kidnapping Mary, Bradley’s Daughter. ComiRades may Recall that Rani Comics used to Run a Contest in those days when Mr Ramajayam used to be the Editor.
The contest was to Choose a Moment in the Story which appealed us the most and explain why you choose that as the most significant Moment in that Story. Rs 50 (Big Money considering the fact that the Annual Subscription for 24 issues used to be Rs 36 Only) was the prize money and the winner for this story choose this moment as the most significant part of the story.
The scene is something like this: A Stranger visits Bradley’s House and asks Mary to comedown without informing anyone as Her Brother Charles is waiting outside. Fooled by the Love towards Her Brother, Mary gets kidnapped by the henchman of the Mysterious Boss who demands a huge amount as Ransom, Indirectly forcing Bradley to sell off his lands and Ships to get his Girl Back.
David, On Hearing that Bradley is planning to sell his land, stops him from doing so and with the help of Bill and Annie, saves Mary from the Kidnappers. Here, the Simple-Logical thinking of David has impressed me a Lot in those days. Mary is captured in a Hotel and David’s Logic is that, there will be a door-keeper in front of her room and it proves to be perfectly right. Sometimes, the simple way of thinking helps.
Finally David, Bill and a Reformed Charles Combine together and attack the hidden Head-Quarters of the Mysterious Boss: The Cat Island. After a Long Duel, David finds out that the Mysterious Boss is none other than Mr Antony Himself. To Make sure he confesses the facts so as to make Charles free from the Long Hands Of Law, David brings Winston and his henchman (அல்லக்கை). Winston Shoots Antony and goes to Jail along with his henchman (அல்லக்கை) who we come to know in the end, Has a Name: Turner. The Story ends with David Continuing his Adventurous Journey.
TCU Will be back in two days time with another Date Based Post and on other updates happening in Comics Field. As usual, post your comments in the comments section. For those who want to Pen their thoughts in Tamil, Kindly Use the Option Provided in the Widget in the sidebar.
Thanks & Regards,
King Viswa.