Dear ComiRades,
Welcome Back. Heavy workload is the reason for the delay in this particular Comic Cuts post. These news were available last week itself and yours truly was not able to post them immediately. Especially the new on the death of Spider Man was one of the most interesting news articles that was on print in the recent times. Apart from that, there were couple of other news articles also worth mentioning and we will discuss them in the later part of the post. TCU is posting this while burning the mid-night oil in order to make sure that the number of posts in a month is maintained at a minimum of 5 per month. More on them later and lets get on with the news articles first.
01 Times of India – Death of Spider-Man: Whenever there is a decline in the sales of a particular series, the editorial team is in a dire situation to make amends with that. Most of them time, the American authors-though, make sure that the Super hero gets killed. And the event will be much publicised in order to cash in on the moment. Later on, they do some gimmick to get them back by giving one excuse or the other. The latest in the list to join is Peter Parker. Here is the complete write up on this in the 1st page of Times of India.
Times of India Chennai Edition Dated 22062011 Headlines Spiderman to meet his end |
While the news on the death was carried out on the same day in the first page, the next day it was on the editorial content page to have a mention about the same. The title itself is catchy and the way they have tried to relate the Bollywood with the different imprints of the spider-man comics is really likeable.
Times of India Chennai Edition Dated 23062011 Editorial Page No 16 Spidey Dies |
Three days later, there was one more article on the same news paper and this time it was not on the same hero. However, it was on the whole issue of the death of the super heroes and they have tried to tabulate the heroes who have so far given their lives in order to save the jobs of the editors of the respective imprints. They have missed certain heroes on the list as well. To name one, was the Green lantern.
Times od India Chennai Edition Dated 26062011 Chennai Times Variety Section Resurrection of Super Heroes |
02 The Hindu - ACK Launching Temple Tales: Here is a wonderful news for all those ACK fans who were complaining that there was no new stories or series from ACK, of late. In this exclusive interview to The Hindu, Reena Puri (Editor-ACK) explains the concept of Temple series and just have a look at the fantastic artwork associated with the article. Yours truly is eagerly waiting for the book to have a look into the fantastic artwork. By the way, The next post in TCU will feature Tinkle. Reason? Just wait and watch out.
The Hindu Chennai Edition Dated 22062011 Metro Plus Page No 8 ACK Temple Tales Comes Alive |
03 Times of India – Book on Osama’s Killing: Whenever there was a Big news, The creators will find a way or two to link that with their form. Most of the time, the Comics form is the best way to express the feelings. Yours truly still remembers the Story where Spider-Man is trying to help all those people in a Tamil Comics. Hence when the news broke out on the killing of Osama, TCU was discussing about the possibility of this being made into a Comics. Dr 7’s choice was Raj Comics as they have a penchant for this kind of thing. Old ComiRades may still remember how Doga took over the 26/11 Incident in one of the Raj Comics Books.
Times of India Chennai Edition Dated 27062011 Chennai Times Page 01 Comics on Osama’s Killing |
Well, that's all for the time being. As usual, post your comments in the comments section. For those who want to Pen their thoughts in Tamil, Kindly Use the Option Provided in the Widget in the Blog.
Thanks & Regards,
King Viswa.