Dear ComiRades,
Welcome back. Straightaway TCU’s got 2 things to inform. Lets get to the point:
1. There won’t be much of travelling from now onwards (at least fro the next 4 months) and hence ComiRades can expect much more postings in TCU Regularly, a minimum of 3 to 4 posts in a month.
2. The health issues of my parents are under control now and TCU can breath easily, now that the situation is under control.
When Yours truly was looking into the blog, this MIRAGE post which was there on the side bar was irritating, because it was there for more than a year, Just after the No comments post was done in TCU. To read about that post, Click HERE. So, lets clear all of them now and that process starts with the mirage post itself. This particular post is all about the RAREST of the covers of Tamil comics, especially from our Prakash publishers. Yes, TCU proudly presents the Covers which are not used, or used as alternatively.
NOTE: The idea of this post is to Appreciate the Editorial skills of Our Beloved Editor Mr S.Vijayan and no way it is to be taken the other way around. We have to understand the fact that, most of these stories are daily strips and they are not made as a single book when these stories were published in Tamil. Hence, the Editor has to come up with certain Ideas for the cover design. The most important factor here is, Not the maximum utilisation of the available resources, but The Optimum utilisation of the available resources. Right?
1: Irumbu Manidhan – Iron Man – Robot Archie – 1st ever Special from Editor S Vijayan
Before getting into the cover, kindly read what our Editor has to say on this. Because of such incidents only, we have chances to make posts like this:)
Singathin Siru Vayadhil Part 3: Page 1 | Singathin Siru Vayadhil Part 3: Page 2 | Singathin Siru Vayadhil Part 3: Page 3 |
Here is the cover which was actually designed by the Artist. As there was a communication and time frame issue, Our editor has to go with the other cover. The actual cover was a combination of Steel claw (You can obviously see it), Spider (The Heli-Car) and Robot Archie (making his debut in Tamil). Later on, the cover which was not used for this issue, was used in another one of the Robot Archie’s stories. Now, this Book (Puratchi thalaivan Archie - புரட்சி தலைவன் ஆர்ச்சி) is believed to be one of the highest sold Comics books by Prakash publishers.
Lion Comics 004 - Irumbu Manidhan - Alternate Cover | Lion Comics 004 - Irumbu Manidhan – Actual Cover | Lion Comics 034 - Puratchi Thalaivan Archie Cover |
2. Pizhaithu Vandha Pinam – Johnny Hazard – Muthu Comics
Now, the second such cover to be discussed over here is that of Johnny Hazard. The first cover, for some reasons well known to the editor himself, was not used and another cover was used instead. The cover which was designed for this story was later on used in another one of the Johnny Hazard adventure, couple of months later.
Muthu Comics 187 Pizhaithu Vandha Pinam Alternative | Muthu Comics 187 Pizhaithu Vandha Pinam Actual | Muthu Comics Issue No 189 Marana MACHCHAM |
Here are the actual covers from which these covers are inspired on. Both the Johnny Hazard stories were daily strips and hence there will be no covers and hence Editor has to come up with something else. We have to understand that.
Bernard Prince the Oasis in Flames Cover -பற்றி எறியும் பாலைவனம் | Nick Raider – Muthu Comics C.I.D Robin - பிழைத்து வந்த பிணம் |
3: The Hunters from S.I.6 – Irattai Vettaiyargal – Thikku Theriyadha Theevil
The Hunters were one of the most famous heroes in the 80’s in Lion Comics and this particular story was advertised much earlier than it was published. Initially it was advertised as “Kollaiyar theevu” and later on changed into thikku theriyadha theevil. Here is the unpublished cover. Have a look into the Left corner and you will find that “The Speed Kings / The Stuntmen Brothers” without their Helmet initials being there. To know more on the Speed kings, Click here. And Kindly wait for one more month as TCU will come up with a comprehensive post on the Hunters.
Lion Comics Issue No ? Kollaiyar Theevu Never Published | Lion Comics 68 Dated May 1990 Thikku Theriyaadha Theevil Same Story |
4. Thigil Library – Thevai oru Dhevadhai – Alternative Cover – Unused
Kindly click THIS link and read more about Thigil Library and come back again to this post. Thigil library was advertised much and suddenly it landed up for sales. Have a look into the cover which was unused. It should have been made in the late 80’s or early 90’s as the Price was only Rs 5.00 and when it was actually published the price ofthe book was doubled.
Thigil Library Issue No 1 Dated 1st March 1993 Alternative Wrapper-Unused | Thigil Library Issue No 1 Dated 1st March 1993 Front & Back Wrapper |
Here are the covers which are quite related to these covers. The Kelly green cover is just an inspiration to the above cover and to know more on the inspiration, kindly click THIS link and read more.
Unknown World June 1952 Volume 1 Issue 1 | Kelly Green 1 Cover Scan for Thigil Library Cover Reference |
5. James Bond 007 – Muthu Comics – Dr No – Casino Royale
Here is the Entry of the ever green spy 007. The advertised story (Dr No) was already published in another Tamil comics (Rani Comics) and once our Editor realised that, he changed the story and published Casino Royale. To have a look into another No Comments post on 007, Click HERE.
Muthu Comics – James Bond 007 - Dr No Un Published Cover | Muthu Comics Issue No 235 –James Bond 007 - Soothadum Sooravali |
6. Bernard Prince – Lion Comics – Annual Special Issue
This is one such cover which was not used just because of the time delay in publishing. The original cover has Muthu comics Mega special as the next publication issue which was published in April 1998, indicating that the cover was to be published in march 1998. However, the delay in the publishing of the book, made way for another cover with design. The only question that is ringing in the mind is, the lower part artwork in the unpublished cover. What story is that? Can anyone help on that?
Lion Comics – 14th Annual - Ulagam Sutrum Kazhugu – Alternative Cover | Lion Comics – 14th Annual - Ulagam Sutrum Kazhugu – Actual Cover |
Here are the covers from which these Bernard Prince stories were drawn. Kindly have a look into the structural difference between Barney of Lion comics and that of the Herman artwork. You can see that he has a four-pack in Lion comics artwork.
7: Lucky Luke – Boom Boom Padalam – Lion Comics Annual – Cover Design – Variance in Colour
Well, nothing much but the difference in colour of the cover design which was designed and the cover designed which was printed in the books. Lucky Limat has done a post on the story & read it HERE.
Lion Comics Issue No 114 - Boom Boom Padalam Cover with Light Colour | Lion Comics Issue No 114 - Boom Boom Padalam Actual Cover |
The Books which May – May includes May Not – Never be Published:
TCU Brings some of the covers which were originally planned and never to be used again in the future, for reasons valid to Tamil comics. Thanks to Ayyampalayam Sir, for providing the covers here.
1. The Insiders – Code Name Minnal – Lion Comics
The Insiders was one such series which was promoted as a competition to Modesty Blaise and many of us were eagerly waiting for the storyline and this story was about to replace MB as the regular story in the Lion Comics Annual. Later on, when the Editor explained the reasons for not publishing the story, TCU has to agree upon the decision making process of the Editor. Kanavugalin Kadhalan has covered this book in one of his posts & you can read that HERE.
Lion Comics – 21st Annual Cover – Code Name Minnal – The Insiders Part 1 | Lion Comics – 21st Annual Cover – Code Name Minnal – The Insiders Part 2 |
2. Detective Jerome – Muthu Comics – Sivappu Kanni Marmam Part 1 & Part 2
Detective Jerome was another character which was advertised amidst much fanfare and TCU & Dr 7 even saw the printed pages of the book on a visit to the publisher in June 2007. They were the pages of Part 1 of the 2 part story and unfortunately none of them saw daylight.
The reasons for not carrying on as planned also revealed the societal responsibility of the Editor and, lets put it this way, It is better that these stories are not being published in Tamil, rather than publishing them and regretting them. Here are the covers of both the books which may not see the bookstore at all. Yes, there is a possibility that even the Insiders may be published again, But as for as Jerome is concerned, a strict NO is the answer.
Muthu Comics – New Hero Introduction – Detective Jerome - Sigappukanni Marmam UnPublished Cover + Tharcheyalai Oru Tharkolai UnPublished Cover |
3. C.I.D Robin – Nick Raider – Muthu Comics – Ratha Rajiyam
Another one of those books which were made available but were not published due to reasons better known. This book was to be published among the 260-270 series in Muthu comics and unfortunately never got published. TCU Believes there are bunch of other stories which were also ready, but yet to be published.
Muthu Comics – C.I.D Robin - Ratha Rajyam – UnPublished Cover |
4 & 5. Jess Long & Bob Morane – Lion Comics & Muthu Comics – Unpublished Covers
TCU has already covered about the appearances of these 2 characters in Tamil. Here are the covers which were printed and the stories are also believed to be translated and made available to publish, But, yet to be published.
Muthu Comics-Jess Long– Nandu Kugai Marmam– UnPublished Cover | Muthu Comics-Roger – Bob Morane – Marana Yaathirai – UnPublished Cover |
To know more about Jess Long, Read TCU’s post HERE.
To know more about Bob Morane, Read TCU’s post HERE.
The cover inspirations of these books are here. Already these covers were made available in TCU during the above mentioned earlier posts.
As usual, post your comments in the comments section. For those who want to Pen their thoughts in Tamil, Kindly Use the Option Provided in the Widget section or Click Here.
Thanks & Regards,
King Viswa.
Suggested Reading: